FAA Paperwork review

05 Oct 2022

Following our launch of the new FAA paperwork in August for certain qualifications, we have received feedback and have also made a couple of changes due to updated guidance for first aid.

The paperwork available to download and the paperwork you receive when ordering hard copies has now been updated to reflect these changes.

The changes are minimal but are as follows:

  • The practical assessment record has been updated to move the trainer/assessor’s name and assessment date above where learner’s results are entered. This will reduce the number of pages that need to be scanned and stored
  • Head injuries – Previously it stated that the emergency services should be called if the casualty has been unresponsive for more than three minutes. This has changed to calling the emergency services if they become unresponsive at all
  • Poisoning – Providing sips of water/milk for a swallowed poison is being phased out due to the possibility of this aiding absorption of the poison in the stomach. The protocol is to simply call the emergency services and attempt to identify the poison

Trainers are required to introduce this latest version by the 1st December 2022.

We have had enquiries regarding the minimum time a learner must demonstrate CPR during assessment. As per the new FAA assessment guidance all learners should demonstrate CPR for a minimum of two minutes. Learners should be encouraged to demonstrate rescue breaths during this but if they are unwilling, they are able to do compression only CPR for adult first aid courses due to current COVID guidance from our regulatory bodies.

If you have any questions at all then please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Nuco Training